Having Successful Work Terms

A quick guide to a rewarding Co-op experience.

Set Goals

At the beginning of the work term, discuss goals with your supervisor. Ensure you understand what is expected of you and plan how you will meet these goals by the end of the term.


Communication is always a key to a successful work term. Don’t make assumptions and ask relevant questions. Keep your supervisor in the loop of your work progress regularly and let your supervisor know if you encounter any problems.

Take Notes

Always keep a notebook and write down instructions given by your supervisor or important action items discussed in a meeting. This shows that you are paying attention and that you have an organized way to avoid having your supervisor repeat their instructions to you.

Know Your Deadlines

Managing your time and learning how to prioritize are also essential attributes to a successful work term. If you encounter issues meeting your deadline, communicate with your supervisor to find a solution together. Don’t wait until the last minute to inform your supervisor that you can’t make a deadline.

Be Mindful of Co-op Requirements

Find out what you need to submit as part of the Co-op Work Term requirement. The Co-op office will send you a reminder in the beginning and near the end of the work term regarding the evaluation and work term assignment.

Tips for Working from Home

If on a remote or hybrid placement, please refer to these CEWIL Tips for working from home for best practices.